On the Subject of Object Shows

According to my imagination, 99.8% of all bombs are detonated within 2 seconds of being started!

This module contains 6 objects, each participating in an object show. Based on a contest that takes place in each stage, eliminate contestants until there is only one left. Click a contestant to eliminate them. The contest is displayed in the middle. Associate each contestant with a character of the serial number, starting from the top left and going clockwise. If you encounter a character that has already been assigned, move forwards in the alphabet until you reach a character that hasn’t, looping over if necessary. (Numbers come after Z, starting at 0.) Calculate each contestant’s public appeal in the same order, adding 1 to each appeal until you reached an unassigned number should you encounter a duplicate.

Each different contest is associated with both a “type” and a “style”. Consult the table below to identify them. (Rows are styles, columns are types.)

Race Creativity Battle Athleticism
Water Wipeout Underwater Basket WeavingWater Balloon FightCave Diving
Stadium Chariot Race Equestrian Acrobatics Gladiatorial Fight The Objective Games
Wild Escape the VolcanoJungle Survival Tiger Taming Cliff Climbing
Weird Sack Race Interpretive Dance Nose Nabbing Calvinball

Find the position the character associated with each contestant currently present on the module in the appropriate string based on this table.

Type: String:

If the style is Water or Stadium, read the string normally. If it is Wild or Weird, read it backwards.

The positions of the relevant characters in string corresponds to the score of the contestant. In stage 1, the contestants with the 3 lowest scores are up for elimination. In stages 2 and 3, the contestants with the 2 lowest scores are up for elimination. In stage 4, the contestant with the lowest score must be eliminated. In stage 5, the character with the lower public appeal must be eliminated.

When a set of characters are up for elimination, observe their public appeals. The contestant with the lowest public appeal must be eliminated.

Contestant:Name:Public Appeal:
Battleship(Indicators + batteries) % 7
Big CircleParallel + DVI ports
Black Hole3rd SN char + 6th
BlockSerial ports
CalendarDigital root of SN digits
Contestant:Name:Public Appeal:
Jack O’ LanternPort plates
LegoUnlit indicators
MoonPS/2 ports
Necronomicon5th SN char, % 10****
Paint BrushIndicators that share a letter with SN
RadioAA batteries
ResistorSum of SN digits
Contestant:Name:Public Appeal:
ClockParallel + serial ports
Combination LockTwo-factor codes
Cookie JarModules % 10
DominoLit indicators
Fidget SpinnerStarting time in minutes*
Ice CreamLast SN digit
iPhoneBattery holders
Contestant:Name:Public Appeal:
Rubik’s ClockDigital root of sum of SN letters****
Rubik’s CubeRJ ports
Snooker BallModules with “color”*****
SphereD batteries
Sticky NoteDay of week***
StopwatchDigital root of starting time in seconds
SunModules with “simon”, “maze”, or “morse”**
Tennis Racket4th SN char, % 10****

* Round down.
** In the name of the module.
*** Sunday = 1, Saturday = 7, based on when bomb was started.
**** Use the position of the letter in the alphabet. (A = 1, B = 2, etc.)
***** In the name of the module — “colour” and “colo(u)r” are also accepted.